A historical fiction that draws inspiration from various true events of Indian history, Queen brings a never-before-heard story of a young girl Shakthi Seshadri. Starring Ramya Krishnan in the titular role along with Anikha Surendran, Anjana Jayaprakash, Lilette Dubey, Vamsi Krishna, Sonia Agarwal, Tulasi, Viji Chandrashekhar, Vanitha Krishna Chandran, and Indrajith Sukumaran in pivotal roles, the Tamil-English web series takes you on Shakthi’s life journey where she always found herself being forced or coerced into situations she did not choose. Bringing together Gautham Vasudev Menon and Prasath Murugesan as the directorial team, Queen shows how a young and bright student finds herself pushed into unknown territories her entire life, and how she carves her way to the top using her own rules.