Panchayat is a comedy-drama, which captures the journey of an engineering graduate Abhishek, who for lack of a better job option joins as secretary of a panchayat office in a remote village of Uttar Pradesh. Stuck between crazy villagers and a difficult village lifestyle Abhishek starts his job with the sole motivation of getting out […]
Chandan roy Movies
SanakAn action-thriller, which narrates the journey of a lone hero, who fights overwhelming odds in a restricted environment, to save his wife and other unfortunates, helpless hostages, from the perils of evil.
- GenresAction, Crime, Drama, Thriller
- CastChandan roy, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Daniele Balconi, Ivy Haralson, Kiran Karmarkar, Neha Dhupia, Rukmini Maitra, Shreyal Shetty, Sunil Palwal, Vidyut Jammwal